Governance, Regulation and Compliance

Sonas as publicly-funded service provider takes its legal and statutory requirements and obligations very seriously.

Sonas is governed by a voluntary board which maintains oversight and guides the strategic direction of the organisation. As an organisation:

  • We are accountable to our clients to respect their individual experiences, provide effective supports and work towards achieving the best outcomes possible
  • We are accountable to the public and our funders for the monies we receive and how these funds are spent
  • We are accountable to our partners to work together to produce the best outcomes possible for the women and children we support

We adhere to a number of regulatory frameworks as well as voluntary codes which we work within to further promote transparency and accountability within the organisation.

The following are some of Sonas’s legal and regulatory compliance obligations:

General Governance:

  • Sonas is compliant with the Charities Regulatory Authority
  • Sonas benchmarks itself against the voluntary Governance Code – a Code Of Practice of Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable organisations in Ireland

Specifically in relation to children:

  • Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2011)
  • Child protection procedures and legislation
  • National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA)
  • Data Protection Procedures and Legislation
  • Domestic Violence Act (1999)

Our Service Level Agreement with our principal funder Tusla outlines Sonas’s full legal and regulatory responsibilities towards our clients, both women and children.

Specifically in relation to housing and accommodation provision:

  • Sonas is an Approved Housing Body and adheres to the Housing Agency’s Voluntary Regulatory Code
  • The Irish Council for Social Housing’s Housing Association Performance Management framework
  • Public Procurement Guidelines
  • Property and Housing legislation
  • Building Regulations

Specifically in relation to employment:

  • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act
  • Employment Legislation