Safe Home External Evaluation Report
Safe Home helps women and children experiencing domestic abuse and who are unable to remain in their home. The service offers general support around domestic abuse as well as short term accommodation in the community.
I am experiencing domestic abuse – can I refer myself to this service?
Yes. Referrals are made through the contact details below.
Can an agency refer me to this service?
Yes. Referrals are made through the contact details below.
Telephone: 087 742 2897
What can I expect from the service?
If accepted for a Safe Home, a member of our support team will meet with you to carry out an assessment of your needs, and develop an individual support plan based on identified supports including risk and safety, health and wellbeing, finance and social welfare, legal and court accompaniment. If you have children and they are living with you, then a member of our children’s support team will follow up with you and the children, to assess the children’s needs and identify what supports they might need. If children do not live with you and/ or are in care we will still work to support you in a parenting capacity should you choose this.
Service is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm with a general on-call service outside of these hours and specific incident response protocols in place regarding serious incidents.
How long will support be provided for?
Two weeks to 12 weeks depending on need.